Thursday, 22 April 2010

Yang Ah Ham, Adjective Life in the Nonsense Factory

Pole Installation as Individuals in the Society
Multi-media Installation

Yang Ah Ham’s solo show at Sonje Art Centre in Seoul displayed a spectrum of works produced over the recent years from 2007. The show displayed a spontaneous yet disorientating look into the relation between individuals and society, which conceptually and emotionally guides the content of the works. Born in Korea, the artist has lived and worked in Korea, the US and the Middle-East, and now resides in the Netherlands.

Adjective Life in the Nonsense Factory accentuated the idea of the ‘adjective’ to question the need for individual perspectives. Sidelining the use of the ‘noun’ which is applied to reference an object, the artist explores the ways in which we use adjectives to identify, characterise and quantify things. Inside the ‘nonsense factory’, a multitude of stories disrupt the construct of reality. Instead, the artist interweaves various secrets, emotions and desires that slip between fact and fiction.

The solo show included diverse media including video, drawings, sculptures, paintings and performances. In Individuals in Society (2007), a television and audio system were attached to a metal pole to give an abstract appearance of a human figure. Each monitor displayed a still image of an anonymous face while the audio projected the sound of a person muttering. Lost in conversation, eerie and discrepant voices struggled to connect and communicate with each other. Like strangers on the street, robotic poles became distant and transient beings.

Bird's Eye View, 2008, High Speed HD, 10' 16"

In contrast, a more poignant video piece called Bird’s Eye View (2008) showed a perspective from an animal. A camera was attached to a pigeon which was professionally trained to fly across the city and return to the training ground. The video led to a surprising voyage, navigating a stunning panoramic view of the cityscape perceived by the animal, also reversing its gaze to city dwellers.

Chocolate Head
2007-present, Sculpture, Before and After Performance

Her best known piece perhaps, is Chocolate Head (2007), a sculpture of a renowned international curator made from dark chocolate. The object transmitted qualities of sensuality, interrogating both notions of desire and power. Out of Frame (2007) recorded a group of performers interacting with the chocolate head. Towards the end of the performance, the head was deformed and barely recognisable from the original, which left behind traits of admiration, attraction, manipulation and hunger. This also questioned the hierarchical system in the art world, consisting of famed curators, artists and collectors. Her most recent work, Artist (2010) is a continuation of the chocolate series. This time, the artist carefully crafted a self-portrait, which seemed to comically comment on her status as an artist.

The show comprised of both startling and memorable pieces that overlapped conceptually within the exhibition space. Instead of opting to align a chronology, an extra layer was peeled off, revealing a fresh look into her practice. The show demonstrated and encouraged a deeper look into the adjective life, hinting clues as to what it might mean to be human.

Yang Ah Ham, Adjective Life in the Nonsense Factory, Artsonje Center, Seoul, 6th March-25th April, 2010.

Saturday, 3 April 2010

Identity: Eight Rooms, Nine Lives

“What keeps us the same person we were 5 minutes ago?” stated Hugh Aldersey-Williams, the co-curator of Identity, Eight Rooms, Nine Lives. The question of “what?” was then followed by talks on genetics, history, politics, culinary cuisines, medicine and art. As part of the lecture series, Birth and Belonging (26 Feb 2010) sought to underline the interplay of multiple interests in order to unsettle outmoded skepticism and blind sights of fixing one discipline, identity, location, nationality and race (although they criminally missed out on gender and sexuality). The discussion also made so much sense within the context in which this discussion took place, in contemporary London, which embraces cosmopolitanism and multiculturalism. Hence, it made it even more probable that the audience would eventually get into the swing of exclaiming “I am a Londoner who is also x, y, z, who also speaks more two languages, and mind you, I will probably end up being something else one day, God knows (chuckles)”. And hence, the rainbow talk of cultures, regions and ethnicities were ready to go ahead- snap, crackle and pop.

Identity: Eight Rooms, Nine Lives, Wellcome Collection, London, 26 Nov 2009- 06 April